Learn Basic HTML to Polish Your Pages

Learn Basic HTML to Polish Your Pages

HTML or HyperText Markup Language is the basic building block for translating your content into a viewable website. Most blog platforms and themes use visual editors that allow you to format the look of your layout and text with ease, but HTML still comes in handy sometimes. You may occasionally want to customize your blog with HTML code snippets to adjust the appearance manually. This mini guide will walk you through the basics of adding basic … Read More

Recipe for Writing Successful Blog Posts

Recipe for Writing Successful Blog Posts

When I started writing on the internet many eons ago, my process was free-form and rarely had any meaningful structure. It’s amazing that I found success at all because honestly, it wasn’t my best writing… and sometimes, embarrassing even. But I’ve discovered that it’s a heck of a lot easier and more effective to convey a message to others via blog posts when following a framework overly reminiscent of the last minute academic papers I … Read More

How to Make a Blog and Share Your Story

How to Make a Blog and Share Your Story

You’re in the right place if you’ve been itching to showcase something you love online beyond social media sharing limitations. Your content has the power to educate readers, forge communities, or market a business. Blogging is still an excellent platform for reaching diverse audiences nearly anywhere, and it only take a few simple steps to get started. Learn how to make a blog today! Step 1: What are you going to blog about? Maybe you … Read More